Let’s talk about ethics

New teacher Kieran Stubbs shares his thoughts on some of the ethical questions that may arise during an Alexander lesson. The essay was written as a third-year assignment for the…

Upon reflection…..

A mirror is an inanimate object, a piece of glass silvered on one side. Its function is to reflect back light that hits the mirror surface, providing a ‘mirror image’. …

When tensions arise during training

The ongoing research project by two overseas Alexander teachers, Ellen Bierhorst and Maria Vahervuo*, to study important psycho-social changes set off by the Alexander Technique has the potential to offer…

AUSTAT’s new guidelines

AUSTAT is a small society representing about 150 full teaching members give or take. In our small community, most of us know each other through shared trainings, ventures and through…

Reducing paper

Here are some quick tips to help you reduce the amount of paper in your home and work space : 1) If you get catalogues in the mail, email the company…

The voice phenomenon

Nature does not work in parts; she treats everything as a whole – FM Alexander As a third-year student of the School for FM Alexander Studies in Melbourne, you are…

A mirror, a mask and an actor

Congratulations to Julieanne Eveleigh and Paul Hampton, whose work is is featured in a new book edited by Cathy Madden and Kathleen Juhl. Here Julieanne tells the story of their…

AT Connect – Jana Boronova

The lovely and talented Jana Boronova is originally from Prague but now living and working in Melbourne What first drew you to the Alexander Technique? I had my first lesson…

Redrawing the maps

An article for Dystonia Network of Australia Newsletter, June 2016 At just a few weeks old a baby reaches out and grasps the finger extended to him by mother or…