Australian Society for Teacher of the FM Alexander Technique (AUSTAT)

AUSTAT is the peak body for teachers of Alexander Technique in Australia. It was constituted in 1985 and later on incorporated as an Association under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act in 2000. AUSTAT represents the interests of its Members to Federal and State Governments, to the International and National Media and to other businesses and organisations. AUSTAT sets standards for professional conduct and has in place measures for monitoring and enforcing these standards.

Private Health Insurance

The rules of AUSTAT comply with clause 10 of the Private Health Insurance (Accreditation) Rules (2008) and our members have been encouraged to undertake Continuing Professional Development and to work within a professional and ethical code. Recently a federal review carried out by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing prevented private health insurers from providing health rebates for a range of Natural Therapies including Alexander Technique.  AUSTAT has been a powerful voice to overturn this poor Government intervention. AUSTAT is currently represented on the Natural Therapies Review Expert Panel seeking to overturn this government intervention.


AUSTAT is administered by a volunteer Council and a number of Standing Committees made of Alexander Technique Teachers from Australia and Taiwan. Teacher Members pay yearly dues to ensure that Alexander Technique has a professional voice in Australia. As well as administering a budget to provide services such as this website, seminars, conferences, publications, an Alexander Technique library, online training,and Continuing Professional Development sessions, the volunteers in AUSTAT also develop professional standards, Training Standards and encourage approved teacher-training programs.

Networking with International Alexander Technique Communities

AUSTAT is affiliated with the Society for Teachers of Alexander Technique (STAT) in the United Kingdom and with the Affiliated Societies of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (ATAS). This connects our Australian community to thousands of Alexander Technique teachers around the world.


You don't have to be a Teacher Member of AUSTAT to be a part of our community.  Friends of AUSTAT receive newsletters, special offers, invitations to workshops, conferences and access to research. We encourage your support for us and invite you to be involved. Click on this link to become a Friend of AUSTAT. Invite an Alexander Technique teacher to come and speak at your workplace or arrange for a workshop or event involving Alexander Technique. Please send us an email with your details and one of our AUSTAT volunteers will contact you directly. email here.

Your safety, ethics and our professional code

All our Teacher Members have agreed to abide by our Constitution and our Code of Professional Conduct. This means that you should expect courteous and respectful behaviour at all times from our Members. Alexander touch is instructive not manipulative or therapeutic. Our pupils remain clothed at all times during a lesson and/or workshop. Anyone is welcome to view our Constitution and Rules here. If you have concerns about the behaviour of an AUSTAT teacher please email here.

Meet the AUSTAT Council

Michael Shellshear - Chair

Helen Thomson Alexander Technique teacher

Helen Thomson - Secretary

Alexandra Lepikhin - Treasurer


Julianne Eveleigh

Alexander Technique teacher Jane Shellshear

Jane Shellshear
