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  • AUSTAT AGM 2022



Chair - Michael Shellshear
Nominated by Tony Smith, Seconded by Carina Thomas
CLICK HERE to read Michael's submission
Secretary - Helen Thomson
Nominated by Michael Shellshear, Seconded by Jane Shellshear
Treasurer - Penny McDonald
Nominated by Aniko Ball, Seconded by Helen Thomson

Council Members
- Alex Lepikhin Nominated by Helen Thomson, Seconded by Michael Shellshear
- Helene Goldberg Nominated by Michael Shellshear, Seconded by Helen Thomson
- Julianne Eveleigh Nominated by Jane Shellshear, Seconded by Jenny Thirtle
- Leo Canales Nominated by Michael Shellshear, Seconded by Penny McDonald

Financial Audit report as at 30 June 2022   CLICK HERE

2021 AGM Minutes Draft  CLICK HERE


Motion One - Special Motion:

“That, as required by Rule 19 (j) of the AUSTAT Constitution, this meeting allows Penny McDonald to re-stand for election to the role of Treasurer after having completed two consecutive terms.”

Proposer: Michael Shellshear Seconded: Tony Smith

Reasoning: There have been no other nominations for Treasurer. Penny has been kind enough to volunteer her time once again. She has performed admirably in the role and fulfilled all the duties expected of her and more in her two terms. AUSTAT is fortunate to have a member who continues to volunteer her time selflessly in order to see the society thrive.


Motion Two has been withdrawn

Motion Two:

"that the following statement contained in the AUSTAT Code of Professional Conduct, Section C:

A teacher may not train any person to teach the Alexander Technique unless first having applied for and obtained the written authority of the Council.

be amended to the following:


A teacher may not train any person to teach the Alexander Technique and retain membership unless first having applied for, obtained and currently maintains written authority of the Council.

Proposer: Jane Shellshear Seconder: Jenny Thirtle

The purpose of the motion is to ensure that this Code of Conduct statement covers all circumstances pertaining to training authority so that AUSTAT can properly administrate, on behalf of the membership, teacher trainings conducted by its members.

A condition of membership of AUSTAT is to abide by all Byelaws and in particular the Code of Professional Conduct [AUSTAT Rule 6(g)]. On applying to join AUSTAT, all teacher members also sign an agreement to abide by the Code and the Rules of the Society. The Rules, Byelaws and Code of Conduct of AUSTAT enable and support the Objects of its Constitution, the third of which is “to certify and monitor Teacher Training Courses in the Alexander Technique”.

A member of AUSTAT who trains teachers is required to enter into a reciprocal Agreement with AUSTAT that allows for this constitutional Object to be fulfilled. The Agreement achieves this by granting oversight of the training to occur to
ensure the detail of the terms of accreditation are upheld. The withdrawal of accreditation by either AUSTAT Council or a Head of Training him/herself ends this agreement. If the former Head of Training wishes to retain their AUSTAT
membership the teacher training must discontinue. Failure to do so means the member is working at cross purposes to the Objects of the Constitution and not satisfying the contract of their teacher membership.

The proposed amendment also assists AUSTAT in fulfilling its obligations under Section II of the Alexander Technique Affiliated Societies (ATAS) Agreement 2016, [section 2(a)] which states that an affiliated society is “responsible for the
regulation of all existing teacher-training courses that are currently run by its members.”

To access a fillable proxy form CLICK HERE
To access a proxy form to print and fill out CLICK HERE

To access a fillable nomination form CLICK HERE
To access a nomination form to print and fillout CLICK HERE

Thursday 29th September 2022 is 45 days before the AUSTAT AGM.

AUSTAT Constitution states:

Any Teacher Member shall be entitled to move any resolution at the AGM in which case he or she shall give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary at least 45 days prior to the date of such a meeting.

Please ensure any resolution is submitted by email to or by post to AUSTAT, PO Box 409, Benalla Vic  3671.

Also due by Thursday 29th September 2022:   Nominations for positions on council

Proxy forms are due by email by 10am on Saturday 12th November 2022.

Putting a motion by Chris Raff  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Constitution dates to remember:

  • 3 month rule – 45(b) The Secretary shall summon the AGM And circulate the time and places of that meeting to all members. Such notice shall be given a least three months before the date of the meeting or such lesser period as the Council, in exceptional or unforeseen circumstances, may deem necessary
  • 45 day rule – 45( c) Any Teacher Member shall be entitled to move any resolution at the AGM in which case he or she shall give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary at least 45 days prior to the date of such a meeting.
  • 1 month rule – 45 (d) At least one month prior to the date of the AGM the Secretary shall give notice to all members of the business to be transacted thereat together with a copy of the Balance Sheet and Accounts (Attn Treasurer) and together also with a list of the persons who have been proposed for election to the Executive Council and for the office of Chairperson